Navigating the Intentions of white Women: Start Taking Ownership (Part 3) Final Episode with Bianca McGrath Martinez

“Step up, step aside, or step down.”

Power sharing vs hoarding needs to be understood.

Welcome to the final episode of season one. I am looking forward to a nice long break and yet, I already have ideas for a new batch of episodes. I learned a lot, not only about podcasting but from each guest. 

Thank you to my guests for your time and sharing your stories and perspectives. And thank you listeners for your support - the feedback, shares, and engagement - I didn’t know what I was getting myself into but am pleasantly surprised and glad I can add a new skill under my belt. 

In this episode Bianca and I go through even more questions and because there were so many we did not get to touch on all of them, However most have a similar theme that requires an understanding what white supremacy is and how we participate in it. 

As the co-founder and consultant of REAL Consulting, we believe that taking responsibility for “white supremacy” is the duty of every person living in society, no matter their color, creed or background. We offer a new definition that breaks down the barriers that prevent us from answering this call to action. Our goal is to drag the concept of white supremacy out of the shadows of our consciousness and shake off the stigma; once we overcome the discomfort of naming it, we are empowered to begin the process of dismantling it. REAL Consulting will be with you every step of the way! Visit for more information. 



Navigating the Impact of white Women’s Intentions Part 2 with Bianca McGrath Martinez